5 Low-Key Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

Not everyone is Irish, and not everyone enjoys going to parades and bar hopping from pub to pub. I’m about 25% Irish, and while I love doing all of these things… I prefer not to do them on St. Patrick’s Day (anymore). Chicago can get pretty crazy around this time of year; we've been hibernating for months, and are just now seeing the first signs of Spring. Even though I'll be staying in this year, there are many ways to acknowledge this holiday that don't involve pushing through crowds of people. Below are 5 simple ways to celebrate - some from the comfort of your own home!

Cook Up a Delicious Ruben

Last year I waited until the last minute to buy all of the stuff to make rubens at home, and I had to go to three different delis to get corned beef. Don’t wait too long! This recipe looks perfect. Ruben

Paint a Pot of Gold

How awesome do these plant pots look? This is a very simple DIY, and it can stay out all year round! Gold Pots

Make Your Own Green Beer

It’s so simple and inexpensive. All you need is a drop of green food coloring and a pint of your favorite beer (it's best to use a light colored beer for this). Green Beer

Wear Mint

Remember last year when the “mint trend” took over? Well, pull out those mint pants and tops again (preferably don’t wear them together), and finish your outfit with some gold jewelry. Mint Outfit

Go Out For Guinness Ice Cream

Call around to your local ice cream shops, you’ll be surprised at who is making this special flavor. Or, if you're feeling really adventurous, you could always make it. Guinness Ice Cream

I'll be tackling a couple of these this year. How are you celebrating St. Patrick's Day?

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