Setting Intentions for 2021 - a Free Guide

If you're like me, the month of December is usually a time of looking back and reflecting on the year. I usually pull out my journal, look at whatever goals I set nearly 12 months ago, and then hope and dream about the coming year.

It’s no secret that about two months into 2020 everyone’s “new year's resolutions” went in the trash.

  • Travel more? -- Nope

  • Go to the gym 3 times a week? -- Nope

  • Host more dinner parties? -- Nope

Unless your goals consisted of staying inside, reading books, and cooking more - you're likely wondering why you even bothered setting intentions or splurging for that fancy 2020 daily planner.

Now, more than ever, I feel like there’s a tension with making plans and setting goals. On one hand, we have no idea what the future holds. It’s a wild card. On the other hand, if we walk through life without intention, we’ll drift aimlessly.

Over the years I’ve done several “life evaluation” exercises, three of which I circle back to often. One focuses on the past, one on the future, and one on the present.

  • Five years ago at a conference I created a timeline of my life, and did the same exercise again two years ago in therapy. Both times I was encouraged to see life themes emerge from looking back and understanding how I got to where I am now.

  • Last year I completed a 10 year vision exercise. This process has been written about in various self-help books, blogged about, podcasted about, etc. Looking forward has helped me with decision making and creating a life "filter."

  • At the end of every year, I journal through a set of questions. Thinking about where I am now and looking inward helps me identify short-term goals.

Threading Your Story.jpg

In reviewing my journals and worksheets over the last five years, I’ve noticed how these exercises are all threaded together. I decided to take what I’ve learned, what’s helped me grow the most, and create a 3-step guide for you (and for myself)!

  • Step 1: Looking Back - creating a timeline of your life

  • Step 2: Looking Forward - vision casting for 10 years into the future

  • Step 3: Looking In - journaling through where you are right now

This guide will hopefully help you acknowledge where you’ve been, where you might be headed, and how that influences your present-day life.

This guide is not a “plan”. It’s not meant to add a bunch of stuff to your to-do list, or create a long list of goals (although it's ok if that’s what you’re looking for). If anything, I hope this guide helps simplify your life and get rid of the clutter. I hope at the end of this you walk away more confident in the things you say “yes” and “no” to.