Simple Balcony Makeover


Over a year ago I wrote a blog about wanting to give our balcony a makeover (click here). I'm so happy to report that it's finally ready for use - just in time for summer!

You'll see some common themes between the old blog post and this blog post. It's comforting to know that my style hasn't changed much. I have a real appreciation for simple, reasonably priced decor. I also like to buy things when I see them, and slowly accumulate stuff over time. It's a lot less stressful than the alternative. This results in a longer decorating process, but it's well worth it in the end!

For details on all of the balcony elements and where to buy some of these goods, see below!


{ The pallet was a gift from my sister-in-law. I gave it a boost of color since the original wood blended in too much with the concrete wall. }


{ The pots are filled with low-maintenance, partial-shade outdoor plants from Home Depot. }


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Becky Howe1 Comment