Becky Howe

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Salad Lunch: Butternut Squash

One of my 2014 New Years Goals is to make and eat more salads. I usually make a sandwich for lunch to take to work during the week, which isn't always the healthiest option - so I decided I'm going to start packing a salad instead. The easiest way to do this is to make one giant salad on Sunday to last about 4-5 days. All you need is a giant mixing bowl with a lid, all the mix-ins for your favorite salad, a small food container, and a to-go dressing container (a ziplock baggie would work fine, too). You definitely don't want to put the dressing on the salad until right before you eat it.

I chose to make this Butternut Squash Salad which includes: spinach, pecans, butternut squash, crumbled blue cheese, dried cranberries, & italian dressing.

It was so good last week that I'm going to make it again this week. The best part is, all I had to do was buy more spinach - I already had all of the other ingredients!

What's your go-to healthy packed lunch?